Specialized / Vertical

    • Sports League
      Manage a company baseball league, including players, captains, schedule and statistics.
    • Classroom Management
      Help instructors store and organize course content, calendar items and announcements.
    • Equity Research
      Provides a centralized location to help consolidate the research done to evaluate financial equities.
    • Case Management for Government Agencies
      Help manage tasks, documents and assignments related to government cases.
    • Clinical Trial Initiation and Management
      Help manage the documents, tasks, issues and discussions needed to run a clinical trial.
    • Manufacturing Process Management
      Help enable manufacturing engineering teams track the linear manufacturing process as well as issues that are blocking completion of a manufacturing task.
    • Event Planning
      Help teams organize events through the use online registration, schedules, communication and feedback.
    • New Store Opening
      Help teams manage the process of opening a new store including project and task management tools.